Farrans Construction is a civil engineering partner to Northumbrian Water and an expert in the delivery of world-class infrastructure and non-infrastructure projects to the water sector across the UK and Ireland.
We employ more than 650 people and have offices in London, Edinburgh, Leeds, Monaghan and Belfast, with further site offices connecting our regional network. Farrans is a sister company of Tarmac and Hydro International and part of CRH plc, the world’s leading building materials business.
We are proud to be on site and delivering a number of important projects for Northumbrian Water including Project Pipeline: County Durham and Tees Valley which will see the construction of around 57km of new pipes connecting Lartington Water Treatment Works with around 200,000 customers across the south of the North East.
Farrans is also designing, supplying and installing a new Bores Treatment Stream at Barsham Water Treatment Works (WTW) in Suffolk, where Northumbrian Water operates as Essex & Suffolk Water, including an interstage pumping station, a contact tank for the existing river works flow, a storage reservoir (20 Ml working volume) and a high lift pumping station for the combined flows.
As part of the Living Water Enterprise we are in an exciting long-term relationship with Northumbrian Water and eleven other partners, that will deliver more effective, future-focused infrastructure solutions, cost efficiencies and a consistent, high-quality approach to customer service.
At the core of all of our work is our focus on the customer experience through effective stakeholder engagement and our implementation of an impactful social value programme. We aim to leave a positive lasting legacy in all of the areas we operate by working with local suppliers, supporting local charitable organisations, creating jobs and providing opportunities to develop skills through apprenticeships, careers workshops and school site visits.
Join us at our Innovation Festival Sprint where we will ask:
How can water companies meaningfully engage with their customers so that their voices are heard, their preferences considered effectively, and they are genuinely involved and empowered when companies make decisions about the water and sewage services they receive and how they receive them?
www.farrans.com |
T: 02890 551300 | E: construct@farrans.com |