How can we create viral behaviour change that reduces PCC?


This sprint is taking place at Newcastle Racecourse 8 - 11 July


This four day sprint is taking place at Newcastle Racecourse. Our climate is changing, our population is growing, and as a nation we want an improved environment and resilient water supplies.


The scale of the challenge we face is huge - action is needed now. By 2050, we expect a shortfall of nearly 5 billion litres of water per day between the water supplies available and the expected demand in England and Wales. Smart metering plays a huge role in reducing demand. 


Through the data smart metering provides, we’re already seeing the scale of internal plumbing losses being far greater than previously understood. Around 1 in 5 homes have internal plumbing losses (i.e. leaks!) and we know that nearly 90% of these are less than 10 litres per hour.


These smaller leaks in the home may not be visible or have a big enough financial impact on customer bills to drive action, but the scale of cumulative losses is significant. Every leak counts!

Registration for this sprint, has now closed.