How can we supercharge our capital projects and deliver value throughout the entire asset lifecycle by creating high-quality digital assets and data during asset construction, that then flows into asset operations?


This sprint is taking place at Newcastle Racecourse 8 - 11 July


This four day sprint is taking place at Newcastle Racecourse. We are interested in making this sprint as multi-disciplinary as we can, to bring as many different perspectives to the challenge as possible so we welcome ALL backgrounds and professions.  


Especially those who handle asset data and data quality management. This sprint aims to transform how high-quality information can be created during asset construction and can then lead to more effective asset management throughout the entire lifecycle of that asset.


There is currently no universally agreed common standard for information flowing from capital delivery into asset maintenance and operations. This would give the water sector a significant advantage and lay out the groundwork for building asset ‘digital twins’ at the same time as we create physical assets.


This sprint is suitable for anyone interested in asset data, who cares about solving the problems at the project design stage with gaps in asset information, issues with data entry, data quality management during a project lifecycle, the pains of transferring data to enterprise management systems, and why we struggle to get complete information to the operators at project handover.


We know that the water industry is at a critical point in moving away from spreadsheets to more collaborative data sharing and that. Join us to help tackle some of these issues and move the sector into a more efficient and sustainable future.

Registration for this sprint, has now closed.