How do we advance the Wastewater treatment plant of the future reducing process emissions and recovering resources from wastewater streams.


This YWWIW is taking place at Newcastle Racecourse 8 - 11 July


This 4 day YWWIW is taking place at Newcastle Racecourse. It will be of interest to those in strategic planning, wastewater treatment, sludge treatment. framework partners (STP), Citizen scientists, academics, Environment Agency and Ofwat.  


Creating a blueprint for Howdon and Bran Sands sewage treatment works to function as biorefineries involves capitalizing on opportunities for resource recovery and implementing both existing and emerging technologies.


NWG operate two centralised wastewater and sludge treatment centres which produce Biogas and fertiliser products. the outcome of this sprint is to develop a blueprint for these sites to take them to the next level by identifying current technologies available, those on the horizon and identify research requirements. From this illustrating a roadmap to implementation by delivering a year’s with of work in a week!


By addressing these research and innovation gaps, a comprehensive blueprint for transforming Howdon and Bran Sands sewage treatment works into biorefineries can be developed. This blueprint can serve as the foundation for an Ofwat Innovation competition transform bid aimed at accelerating the adoption of sustainable and resource-efficient practices in the water industry. 

Registration for this sprint, has now closed.