How can we mitigate the impact increased rainwater has on drainage systems and the environment?


This sprint is taking place at Newcastle Racecourse 8 - 11 July


This 4 day sprint is taking place at Newcastle Racecourse. This sprint is suitable for anyone interested in innovating in the area of storm water management, who cares about solving flooding and reducing storm water spills to the environment, who wants to bring a human, behavioural lens to the challenge, who is interested in managing future demand for water.


We are especially interested in making this sprint as multi-disciplinary as we can, to bring as many different perspectives to the challenge as possible so we welcome ALL backgrounds and professions. With extreme weather events becoming the norm, and focussing on the Newcastle City catchment, are there ways we haven't yet thought of to stop rainfall going to Howdon sewage treatment works or into the River at the Quayside? 


In a future where we are predicted to regularly experience the extremes of too much / too little water, can we find ways to flick a switch?  Can we flip from seeing rain/stormwater as a problem to be solved in sewers into a valuable resource to be harvested and used to help us weather these extremes?

Registration for this sprint, has now closed.