What can we do differently to get dis-engaged customers to start paying their bills.


This sprint is taking place at Trinity House Offices in Suffolk

9 - 11 July


This three day sprint is taking place Tuesday 9th - Thursday 11 July at our Trinity House Offices in Suffolk.


It will be of interest  to anyone! Our customers, other utility or councils, customer representative groups, advice advisors. We’d love to hear views and ideas from as many people as possible to really get a hands-on understanding of the challenges customers face. We’ve 99,000 customers who do not engage with us or pay their bill. Many miss out on receiving discounted or capped bills which would make them more affordable.


Non-payment of water bills increase our overall charges to all customers by £20 each per year – by engaging with customers, we can help prevent increased bills for all. What can we do differently to get customers to engage and pay? What new approaches to contact methods, additional support, innovative partnerships could we trial which will increase the opportunities for us to build relationships and help customers to start making payments and reduce their debts.

Registration for this sprint, has now closed.