What would it take to change one person’s behaviour? How about millions of people? Can we design technology that will enable customers to reduce their daily water consumption? 


This sprint is taking place at Newcastle Racecourse 8 - 11 July


This 4-day sprint is taking place at Newcastle Racecourse. It’s focused on developing a way for customers to reduce their daily water consumption. We invite anyone passionate about reducing their water consumption to come and take part.


With each of us across the UK using around 140 litres of water a day, demand increasing and supply pressures mounting, we know there is more that needs to be done to reduce water usage. Consumers have the power to make big changes, but how do we enable them to take action?


Portsmouth Water and Kraken Technologies have come together to tackle this problem. 


Over 4 days we will develop a prototype product designed to help consumers make small changes to have a big impact on consumption. Drawing on Portsmouth Water’s industry expertise, design techniques, and Kraken’s insight into consumer engagement through experience with Octopus Energy and beyond, we'll help consumers lead their own change. We'll be exploring different behavioural drivers from gamification to education and awareness.


This sprint is for anyone who believes in the power of people, and who wants to get a little creative with us on how to harness that power. Participants will help to design and iterate prototypes daily. Through bringing together a range of experts and passionate individuals, we’ll move forward towards something that we can test in the real world. Join us to help design smart solutions that drive smart water choices.

Registration for this sprint, has now closed.