To develop a shared GIS map in order to help Social Housing providers and their partners to work more closely and effectively on common challenges with the aim to deliver more for our customers and communities.


This YWWIW is taking place at Newcastle Racecourse 8 - 11 July


Broadly we have 4 aims for the ‘Years Worth of Work In a Week’


Technical - We’d like to have a working prototype completed with data from various sources, a map that potentially contains data from Housing Associations alongside Open source, Local Authority, Public Health, Utility / Energy, Vulnerabilities, Crime / ASB, Employment data and more.


Collaboration - Create a collaboration framework that fosters better connections between public entities such as NHS and Local Authorities to enable Housing Associations and their partners to work effectively together on shared challenges utilising G.I.S. mapping.


Collective resource - Ensure Housing Associations and their partners get the best value from our shared resources using mapping to see where the greatest synergies can be created.


Changing Needs - Utilise data to drive insight into action, meeting the needs of our customers and the communities they live in. We would like to generate some pilot use cases to explore further post Innovation Festival.

Registration for this sprint, has now closed.