How might we use innovative approaches like policy gaming to prepare for an uncertain future?


This sprint is taking place at Newcastle Racecourse 8 - 11 July


This four day sprint is taking place at Newcastle Racecourse. We’d like anyone who is interested in using a different lens to examine the strategic challenges faced by the water sector.


We are keen to get people involved who have a background in strategy, economic regulation, policy, long-term planning – particularly in the water and wastewater sector – wargaming professionals and game designers.


As we look towards the future, we face challenges that are both exciting and daunting. The world around us is changing rapidly, and as a water company we must continuously adapt to meet the needs of our customers and the communities we serve, while restoring and enhancing the environment we live in. 


Through this sprint we want to explore the use of innovative tools such as wargaming – or in this context policy gaming – to be able to better prepare for an uncertain future. Warning: This sprint may involve the use of scissors!

Registration for this sprint, has now closed.